6 mango mango (Caner amar pulp will run)
5-6 sleeve sugar
A small paper lime
I need to be a bit tasty. Wash well, dry out, cut into pieces, make a thick pulp (do not remember Bengali) with food processor. Do not even water one droplet. Pulp Needless to say that this stepper is not necessary for canal pulp.
Now mix sugar and lemon juice well. Sugar and lemon juice both understand the taste of america. If the mango is very sweet, sugar will give less than one size. If I'm a little stingy, leave lemon.
Spread the parchment paper (can also use aluminum foil in the absence) to fit two cookie sheets. Pour the amal pulp with the hand. Spread it with a spatial equalizer. Not too thin or too thick. If it is very thin, it will become like a nigger, it will not dry properly when it is very thick.
Keep Aventa Lowest Setting. Put a couple of fluffy cookie sheets in Avane. Keep a little spacing. Remember we are not baking but just drying, which is called as dehydrate in Bengal. It takes 6 to 8 hours, it can take more. Pulp how much you poured, depending on how long it will take.
Occasionally see Aven. Touching the top will make a glue like gum, but it will not stick to the hand. From the parchment leaving the floor? Then your aunt is ready. Turn off Aven. But do not give up on me. Stay in that hot aviation (until all night), do not forget to gap in the door of Aven.
If you are cold, cut off the desired size and peel yourself on your back. If you do not reach the back till the back, what else? And eat a bit of eyes at the eyes of the eyes.
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