
Tuesday, June 6, 2017



Made very easy. Italian Appetizer Better with tea, it is better to walk. You can try with hard drinks.


Boutet (long powertow whose crust is crisp, soft inside) - 1

Garlic Kochi - 2 tablespoons

Olive oil - 3 tablespoon

Parmesan cheeses - 1/4 cups

Long-shaped hard tomatoes cut into a fine-2 1/2 cup

Fresh Basil Leaf Refined Cut - 1/3 cup

Balancell vinegar - 2 tablespoons

Nun - 1/4 spoon

Black pepper powder - 1 teaspoon (if grilled in fresh house is better)


Combine all the ingredients well in a mixing bate without a bout. Marine from 15 to 30 minutes in the room temperature.

Take a towel and cut it in a slice of 1 inch slab. Spread the marinated mixture on each toast. Serve as an appetizer before pizza or pasta. Otherwise, it is not good to talk with tea, and not bad. Wine side will also be a dash as a dish.

Many people baked bruskate. In that case do not make toasted bread. Prize at 200 degrees Centigrade.

Cut off the bargate in 1 inch, slice it and apply it on top of marinated. Bread slices are browned brown. It will be like 5 minutes.

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